Attention and Learning Enhancement
Attention and Learning Enhancement
- Active Ingredients
- Inactive Ingredient
- Purpose
- Directions
- Warnings
- Attention and Learning Enhancement Indications and Usage
Active Ingredients
Official HPUS: Baryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia amara, Lycopodium clavatum, Magnesia carbonica, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum and Thuja occidentalis.
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Inactive Ingredient
Uses naturally aids:
- slow or difficult comprehension
- overexcitement
- writing wrong words or syllables
- oversensitivity
- forgetfulness
- lack of assertiveness
- shyness
- apprehension
Initially, depress pump until primed. Hold close to mouth and spray one dose directly into mouth. Use 3 times per day. Use additionally as needed.
Adult Dose 3 pump sprays
Children 2-12 years 2 pump sprays
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If symptoms persist or worsen, or if pregnant or nursing, take only on advice of a healthcare professional.
Other: Tamper resistant for your protection. Use only if safety seal is intact.
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Keep out of reach of children.
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Attention and Learning Enhancement Indications and Usage
Uses naturally aids slow or difficult comprehension, overexcitement, writing wrong words or syllables, oversensitivity, forgetfulness, lack of assertiveness, shyness, and apprehension.
Helps with both mental and physical development.
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King Bio Inc.
3 Westside Drive
Asheville, NC 28806
Questions? Call 800.543.3245
Attention and Learning EnhancementBaryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia amara, Lycopodium clavatum, Magnesia carbonica, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum and Thuja occidentalis LIQUID