Drug Facts
- Active Ingredients
- Purpose (Per Dose)
- Derma-iONX Uses
- Warnings
- Directions
- Derma-iONX Other information
- Inactive ingredients
- Questions?
- Principal Display Panel
Active Ingredients
Agaricus musc, Antimon tart, Arsenicum alb, Fagopyrum, Euphrasia, Oleander, Selenium HPUS Alumina HPUS Anagallis, Arsenicum iod, Kali Mur HPUS Apis mel HPUS Bovista HPUS Causticum HPUS Dolichos pruriens, Sulphur Thuja occ HPUS Graphites, Muriaticum ac, Silicea HPUS Petroleum HPUS Pix liquida HPUS Radium brom 20X and 30X HPUS Rhus tox HPUS Urtica urens HPUS Each active ingredient contains equal volumes of 10X, 20X, and 30X potencies unless otherwise indicated. The letters “HPUS” indicate that the components in this product are officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Product indications are based on Homeopathic Materia Medica. |
Purpose (Per Dose)
Agaricus musc, Antimon tart,
Arsenicum alb, Fagopyrum, Euphrasia,
Oleander, Selenium HPUS….………………………............Itching
Alumina HPUS…..…………….………………………….......Chapped skin
Anagallis, Arsenicum iod, Kali Mur HPUS….....................Dry skin
Apis mel HPUS…………………......……..………………….Stinging pains
Bovista HPUS……………….....……….……………..………Inflammation
Causticum HPUS………......………………………………...Soreness in folds of skin
Dolichos pruriens, Sulphur
Thuja occ HPUS.………….……………………………….....Intense itching and burning
Graphites, Muriaticum ac, Silicea HPUS………...............Eruptions
Petroleum HPUS……………………………………….........Bleeding cracks in skin
Pix liquida HPUS………………………………………….....Cracked skin
Radium brom 20X and 30X HPUS……………….............Burning skin
Rhus tox HPUS……………………………………………....Swelling with intense itching
Urtica urens HPUS………………………………………......Itching skin blotches
Derma-iONX Uses
to temporarily relieve symptoms such as:
Ask a veterinarian before use if
If your pet is pregnant or nursing, give Derma-IonX only on the advice of a veterinarian.
If symptoms worsen, seek the advice of a veterinarian.
Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Serve directly into your pet's mouth or, for your convenience, add the daily dosage to your pet's non-metal water bowl.
Pet's Weight Daily Dosage Size
0-30 lbs 2.5 mL 1/2 tsp
30-90 lbs 3.75 mL 3/4 tsp
90+ lbs 5 mL 1 tsp
In a crisis situation: give your pet a regular-sized dose, twice a day.
Derma-iONX Other information
- keep lid tightly closed and store bottle in a cool, dry place
- keep away from electromagnetic fields
- for your protection, use only if safety seal is intact
Inactive ingredients
citric acid, potassium sorbate, purified ionized mineral water
If you have any questions, please call 1-866-977-0888 M-F, 9am-5pm ET. View our complete line of pet care products at
Use within 60 days of opening.
Contains no alcohol or sugar; no gluten added.
Distributed by
4460 44th St. SE Ste. C-600
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Principal Display Panel
50364-015-04 DERMA-iONX Skin-Soothing Formula
Homeopathic (OTC) Medicine For ALL Pets and Animals 4 fl oz (118 mL)
Derma-iONXAgaricus musc, Antimon tart, Arsenicum alb, Fagopyrum, Euphrasia, Oleander, Selenium, Alumina, Anagallis, Arsenicum iod, Kali Mur, Apis mel, Bovista, Causticum, Dolichos pruriens, Sulphur, Thuja occ, Graphites, Muriaticum ac, Silicea, Petroleum, Pix liquida, Radium brom, Rhus tox, Urtica urens LIQUID