- Active Ingredients
- Inactive Ingredients
- Purpose
- HeartburnCare Indications and Usage
- Warnings
- Dosage and Administration
Active Ingredients
HPUS active ingredients
Equal volumes of each ingredient in 10X, 30X and LM1 potencies.
Abies nigra, Condurango, Conium maculatum, Iris versicolor, Magnesia carbonica and Robinia pseudoacacia.
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Inactive Ingredients
Purified water, potassium sorbate and citric acid.
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HPUS active ingredients Purpose
Equal volumes of each ingredient in 10X, 30X and LM1 potencies.
Abies nigra...............................................................indigestion, burping
Condurango.............................................................pain in esophagus
Conium maculatum...................................................stomach spasms, heartburn
Iris versicolor...........................................................nausea, belching
Magnesia carbonica.................................................acid reflux, stomach pain
Robinia pseudoacacia..............................................gas and bloating, sour stomach
HeartburnCare Indications and Usage
Uses for temporary relief of symptoms:
- acid reflux
- burping
- heartburn
- sour stomach
- indigestion
- stomach spasms
- nausea
- stomach gas and bloating
- pain in esophagus
- If symptoms persist or worsen, seek advice of a physician.
- If pregnant or breast-feeding, take only on advice of a healthcare professional.
- Keep out of reach of children.
Dosage and Administration
- Initially, depress pump until primed.
- Hold bottle close to mouth and spray one dose directly into mouth.
- Adults and children 12 years and older: 3 pump sprays.
- Use from 3 to 6 times per day as needed.
Keep out of reach of children.
Reference image heartburncare.jpg
King Bio Inc.
3 Westside Drive
Asheville, NC 28806
For questions or more information about homeopathy call 800-543-3245 or www.safe-care.com
HeartburnCareAbies nigra, Condurango, Conium maculatum, Iris versicolor, Magnesia carbonica, Robinia pseudoacacia LIQUID