Mitosol description, usages, side effects, indications, overdosage, supplying and lots more!



Mobius Therapeutics LLC

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATIONThese highlights do not include all the information needed to use Mitosol (mitomycin for solution) safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for Mitosol (mitomycin for solution).Mitosol (mitomycin for solution)Initial U.S. Approval: 1974 INDICATIONS AND USAGEMitosol® is an antimetabolite indicated as an adjunct to ab externo glaucoma surgery. (1) DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONMitosol® is intended for topical application to the surgical site of glaucoma filtration surgery. It is not intended for intraocular administration. (2) Each vial of Mitosol® contains 0.2 mg of mitomycin and mannitol in a 1:2 concentration ratio. To reconstitute, add 1 mL of Sterile Water for Injection, then shake to dissolve. If product does not dissolve immediately, allow to stand at room temperature until the product has dissolved into solution. (2.1) Fully saturate sponges provided within the Mitosol® Kit utilizing the entire reconstituted contents of the vial in the manner prescribed in the Instructions for Use. (2.2) Apply fully saturated sponges equally to the treatment area, in a single layer, with the use of a surgical forceps. Keep the sponges on the treatment area for two (2) minutes, then remove and return to the Mitosol® Tray for defined disposal. (2.2) DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHSEach vial contains a sterile lyophilized mixture of 0.2 mg mitomycin and 0.4 mg mannitol; when reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection, the solution contains 0.2 mg/mL mitomycin. (3) CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to mitomycin. (4.1) Women who are or may become pregnant during therapy. (4.2) WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Cell Death. Mitomycin is cytotoxic. Use of mitomycin in concentrations higher than 0.2 mg/mL or use for longer than 2 minutes may lead to unintended corneal and/or scleral damage including thinning or perforation. Direct contact with the corneal endothelium will result in cell death. (5.1) Hypotony. The use of mitomycin has been associated with an increased instance of post-operative hypotony. (5.2) Cataract Development. Use in phakic patients has been correlated to a higher instance of lenticular change and cataract formation. (5.3) Side EffectsThe most frequent adverse reactions to Mitosol® occur locally and include hypotony, hypotony maculopathy, blebitis, endophthalmitis, vascular reactions, corneal reactions, and cataract. (6.1) To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Mobius Therapeutics LLC at 1-877-393-6486 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or




Mitosol® is an antimetabolite indicated for use as an adjunct to ab externo glaucoma surgery.


Mitosol® is intended for topical application to the surgical site of glaucoma filtration surgery. It is not intended for intraocular administration. If intraocular administration occurs, cell death leading to corneal infarction, retinal infarction, and ciliary body atrophy may result.

2.1 Method of Reconstitution:

Each vial of Mitosol® contains 0.2 mg of mitomycin and mannitol in a 1:2 concentration ratio. To reconstitute, add 1 ml_ of Sterile Water for Injection, then shake to dissolve. If product does not dissolve immediately, allow to stand at room temperature until the product dissolves into solution.

2.2 Method of Use:

Sponges provided within the Mitosol® Kit should be fully saturated with the entire reconstituted contents in the manner prescribed in the Instructions for Use. A treatment area approximating 10mm x 6mm +/-2mm should be treated with the Mitosol®. Apply fully saturated sponges equally to the treatment area, in a single layer, with the use of a surgical forceps. Keep the sponges on the treatment area for two (2) minutes, then remove and return to the Mitosol® Tray for defined disposal in the Chemotherapy Waste Bag provided.

2.3 Stability

Lyophilized Mitosol® stored at controlled room temperature (i.e., 20 - 25°C or 68° - 77° F) is stable for the shelf life indicated on the package. Avoid excessive heat. Protect from light.

Reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml, mitomycin is stable for one (1) hour at room temperature.


Mitosol® is a sterile lyophilized mixture of mitomycin and mannitol, which, when reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection, provides a solution for application in glaucoma filtration surgery. Mitosol® is supplied in vials containing 0.2 mg of mitomycin. Each vial also contains mannitol 0.4 mg, at a 1:2 ratio of mitomycin to mannitol. Each mL of reconstituted solution contains 0.2 mg mitomycin and has a pH between 5.0 and 8.0.


4.1 Hypersensitivity

Mitosol® is contraindicated in patients that have demonstrated a hypersensitivity to mitomycin in the past.

4.2 Pregnant women

Mitosol® may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Mitomycin administered parenterally has been shown to be teratogenic in mice and rats when given at doses equivalent to the usual human intravenous dose. Mitosol® is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant during therapy. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to the fetus.


5.1 Cell Death

Mitomycin is cytotoxic. Use of mitomycin in concentrations higher than 0.2 mg/mL or use for longer than 2 minutes may lead to unintended corneal and/or scleral damage including thinning or perforation. Direct contact with the corneal endothelium will result in cell death.

5.2 Hypotony

The use of mitomycin has been associated with an increased instance of post-operative hypotony.

5.3 Cataract Formation

Use in phakic patients has been correlated to a higher instance of lenticular change and cataract formation.


6.1 Ophthalmic Side Effects

The most frequent adverse reactions to Mitosol® occur locally, as an extension of the pharmacological activity of the drug. These reactions include:

Blebitis: bleb ulceration, chronic bleb leak, encapsulated/cystic bleb, bleb-related infection, wound dehiscence, conjunctivial necrosis, thin-walled bleb

Cornea: corneal endothelial damage, epithelial defect, anterior synechiae, superficial punctuate keratitis, Descemet's detachment, induced astigmatism


Hypotony: choroidal reactions (choroidal detachment, choroidal effusion, serous choroidal detachment, suprachoroidal hemorrhage, hypotony maculopathy, presence of supraciliochoroidal fluid, hypoechogenic suprachoroidal effusion)

Inflammation: iritis, fibrin reaction

Lens: cataract development, cataract progression, capsule opacification, capsular constriction and/or capsulotomy rupture, posterior synechiae

Retina: retinal pigment epithelial tear, retinal detachment (serous and rhegatogenous)

Scleritis: wound dehiscence

Vascular: hyphema, central retinal vein occlusion, hemiretinal vein occlusion, retinal hemorrhage, vitreal hemorrhage and blood clot, subconjunctival hemorrhage, disk hemorrhage

Additional Reactions: macular edema, sclera thinning or ulceration, intraocular lens capture, disk swelling, malignant glaucoma, lacrimal drainage system obstruction, ciliary block, corneal vascularization, visual acuity decrease, cystic conjunctival degeneration, upper eyelid retraction, dislocated implants, severe loss of vision.


8.1 Pregnancy

Teratogenic Effects: Pregnancy Category X (see Contraindications, 4.2).

8.3 Nursing Mothers

It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from Mitosol®, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother. It is recommended that women receiving Mitosol® not breast feed because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants.

8.4 Pediatric Use

Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.

8.5 Geriatric Use

No overall differences in safety and effectiveness have been observed between elderly and younger patients.


Mitomycin is an antibiotic isolated from the broth of Streptomyces verticillus Yingtanensis which has been shown to have antimetabolic activity.

Mitomycin is a blue-violet crystalline powder with the molecular formula of C15H18N405 and a molecular weight of 334.33. Its chemical name is 7-amino-9α-methoxymitosane and it has the following structural formula:

Mitosol® is a sterile lyophiliized mixture of mitomycin and mannitol, which, when reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection, provides a solution for application in glaucoma filtration surgery. Mitosol® is supplied in vials containing 0.2 mg of mitomycin. Each vial also contains mannitol 0.4 mg, at a 1:2 ratio of mitomycin to mannitol. Each mL of reconstituted solution contains 0.2 mg mitomycin and has a pH between 5.0 and 8.0.


12.1 Mechanism of Action

Mitosol® inhibits the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The guanine and cytosine content correlates with the degree of mitomycin-induced cross-linking. Cellular RNA and protein synthesis may also be suppressed.

12.3 Pharmacokinetics


The systemic exposure of mitomycin following ocular administration of Mitosol® in humans is unknown. Based on a comparison of the proposed dose of up to 0.2 mg to intravenous (IV) doses of mitomycin used clinically for treatment of oncologic indications (up to 20 mg/m2), systemic concentrations in humans upon ocular administration are expected to be multiple orders of magnitude lower than those achieved by IV administration.


In humans, mitomycin is cleared from ophthalmic tissue after intraoperative topical application and irrigation, as metabolism occurs in other affected tissues. Systemic clearance is affected primarily by metabolism in the liver. The rate of clearance is inversely proportional to the maximal serum concentration because of saturation of the degradative pathways.


Approximately 10% of an injectable dose of mitomycin is excreted unchanged in the urine. Since metabolic pathways are saturated at relatively low doses, the percent of a dose excreted in urine increases.


13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

Adequate long-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic potential have not been conducted with Mitosol®. Intravenous administration of mitomycin has been found to be carcinogenic in rats and mice. At doses approximating the recommended clinical injectable dose in humans, mitomycin produces a greater than 100 percent increase in tumor incidence in male Sprague-Dawley rats, and a greater than 50 percent increase in tumor incidence in female Swiss mice. The effect of Mitosol® on fertility is unknown.


In placebo-controlled studies reported in the medical literature, mitomycin reduced intraocular pressure (IOP) by 3 mmHg in patients with open-angle glaucoma when used as an adjunct to ab externo glaucoma surgery by Month 12. In studies with a historical control reported in the medical literature, mitomycin reduced intraocular pressure (IOP) by 5 mmHg in patients with open-angle glaucoma when used as an adjunct to ab externo glaucoma surgery by Month 12.


16.1 How Supplied

Mitosol® (mitomycin for solution) is available in a kit containing:

One             Vial containing 0.2 mg mitomycin

One             1 mL syringe (Sterile Water For Injection) with Connector

One             Plunger Rod

One             Vial Adapter with Spike

One             1 mLTB Syringe, Luer Lock

One             Sponge Container

Six               3 mm Absorbent Sponges

Six               6 mm Absorbent Sponges

Six               Half Moon Sponges

One             Instrument Wedge Sponge

One             Alcohol Prep Pad, Sterile

One             Chemotherapy Waste Bag

Three kits are supplied in each carton (NDC49771-002-03).

16.2 Storage and Handling


Store kits at 20° - 25° C (68° - 77° F). Protect from light.

Handling Procedures

Procedures for Proper Handling and Disposal of anti-cancer drugs should be followed. Appropriate containment and disposal devices are included within the Mitosol® (mitomycin for solution) Kit for Ophthalmic Use.


  • Instruct patients to discuss with their physician if they are pregnant or if they might become pregnant (see Contraindications, 4.2).
  • Instruct patients to discuss with their physician if they have demonstrated a hypersensitivity to mitomycin in the past (see Contraindications, 4.1).
  • Nursing mothers should be advised that it is not known if Mitosol® is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue use of the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother. It is recommended that women receiving Mitosol® not breast feed because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants (see Use in Specific Populations, 8.3).
  • Patients should be advised of the toxicity of Mitosol® and potential complications.

Manufactured for:
Mobius Therapeutics, LLC
4041 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108

Mitosol ®
(mitomycin for solution)
0.2 mg/vial
Kit for Ophthalmic Use

Read INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Before Proceeding

Instructions for Use

One   Chemotherapy Waste Bag
  • One   Instructions for Use
  • One   Package Insert
  • One   Inner Tray The Black Outer Pack is to be handled, opened, and its STERILE contents dispensed by the non-sterile circulating nurse.One   Vial Containing 0.2 mg mitomycin
  • One   1 mL Syringe (Sterile Water for Injection) with Connector    
  • One    Plunger Rod
  • One   Vial Adaptor with Spike
  • One   1 mL TB Syringe, Luer Lock
  • One   Sponge Container
  • Six   3 mm Absorbent Sponges
  • Six   6 mm Absorbent Sponges
  • Six   Half Moon Sponges
  • One   Instrument Wedge Sponge
  • One   Alcohol Prep Pad, Sterile The Sterile Inner Tray is to be handled, opened, and its contents assembled and dispensed by the sterile scrub technician.
    This tray and its contents are STERILE.
    Non-Sterile Circulating Nurse:
  • Open black outer pack. Affect sterile transfer of contents to the sterile field.
  • Sterile Surgical Technician:
  • Open sterile inner tray. 2. Reconstituting Mitosol®
    a. Screw white plunger rod to rubber plunger of pre-filled syringe. (Fig. 1)
  • b. Press firmly and screw the blue end of the vial adapter into the blue end of the syringe connector. (Fig. 2)
    c. Open and remove alcohol prep pad. Remove vial cap; disinfect vial stopper with alcohol prep pad.
  • d. Holding vial face up, push spiked end of vial adapter down on the vial lid until seated and secure. (Fig. 3)
    e. Inject entire contents of sterile water (1 ml) into vial. (Fig. 4)
  • f. Gently swirl vial and contents until complete reconstitution of Miosol®. If product does not dissolve immediately, allow to stand at room temperature until the product has dissolved into solution. a. Invert vial and syringe and draw full volume of medication into syringe.
  • b. Unscrew the syringe and connector from vial and vial adapter (Fig. 6)
    c. Place vial and vial adaptor in chemotherapy waste disposal bag (yellow bag).
  • d. Take sponge container from sterile inner tray
  • e. Screw both syringes into sponge container; the TB syringe to one end, the pre-filled syringe to the other.
    f. Mitosol ® must be used within 1 hour of reconstitution:
    • Inject medication into sponge container, saturating sponges. Reconstituted Mitosol® should remain undisturbed in sponge container for 60 seconds. (Fig. 7)
    • If any excess fluid remains, withdraw plunger of TB syringe, drawing excess fluid/air into syringe.
    a. With both syringes connected, the TB syringe to one end, the pre-filled syringe to the other, open sponge container, offering contents to surgeon for placement on surgical site. (Fig. 8)
  • b. Apply saturated sponges to surgical site for two minutes. Remove sponges from eye and copiously irrigate surgical site.
  • c. As used sponges are removed from surgical site, accept back into container for disposal. Close container lid.
  • d. With syringes still connected to sponge container, remove entire assembly from surgical field in chemotherapy waste disposal bag.
    A. Black Outer Pack (Figure A)
    Figure A: Black Outer Pack
    B. STERILE Inner Tray (Figure B)
    Figure B: Sterile Inner Tray
    1. Getting Started
    3. Preparing sponges
    4. Using Mitosol ®


    MOB0022 Rev. D

    Principal Display Panel – Carton Label

    Mitosol ®
    (mitomycin for solution)

    0.2 mg/vial
    Kit for Ophthalmic Use

    Manufactured for:
    Mobius Therapeutics, LLC
    4041 Forest Park Avenue
    St. Louis, MO 63108 USA
    +1 314-615-6930
    1-877-EYE-MITO (1-877-393-6486)

    Rx ONLY
    US Pat #: 7,806,265;
    other US and Int'l Patents Pending
    ©2010 Mobius Therapeutics, LLC

    MOB0020 Rev. C

    NDC #49771-002-03
    Re-Order #MOB.2
    Contains 3 Kits

    Each Mitosol® Kit Contains:
    One Chemotherapy Waste Bag
    One Instructions for Use
    One Package Insert
    One Inner Tray

    Inner Tray Contains:

    One Vial Containing 0.2 mg mitomycin
    One 1 mL Syringe (Sterile Water for Injection) with Connector

    One Plunger Rod
    One Vial Adaptor with Spike

    One 1 mL TB Syringe, Luer Lock
    One Sponge Container
    Six 3 mm Absorbent Sponges
    Six 6 mm Absorbent Sponges
    Six Half Moon Sponges
    One Instrument Wedge Sponge
    One Alcohol Prep Pad, Sterile

    Contents STERILE in unopened undamaged package.

    Storage: Store kits at 20° - 25° C (68° - 77° F). Protect from light.

    Principal Display Panel – Vial Label

    NDC 49771-002-02
    Mitosol ®
    (mitomycin for solution)
    0.2 mg/vial
    Lyophilized Mitomycin for
    Protect from light.
    Single Use Vial
    Dose: See Package Insert.
    Rx Only


    mitomycin KIT

    Product Information

    Product Type Human prescription drug label Item Code (Source) NDC:49771-002
    Route of Administration URETERAL DEA Schedule


    # Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date
    1 NDC:49771-002-01 1 in 1 TRAY
    2 NDC:49771-002-03 3 in 1 CARTON

    Marketing Information

    Marketing Category Application Number or Monograph Citation Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date
    NDA NDA022572 2012-02-08

    Be sure to consult your doctor before taking any medication!
    Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Information on is provided for educational purposes only and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.